Thursday, April 9, 2015

A2Z, V is for Valuable

Ok, so I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with this one. First thought was gold, but I couldn't think of a design but then I remembered we are coming into warmer weather...aka...neon season! Neon's are my fave to wear in summer and spring so I just had to do a full neon mani for A2Z V is for Valuable.
Check out the A2Z hub page for more looks linked here. I started with a coat of white and then moved on to use a six pack of Color Club Neons I received at Christmas.The bluish one is the one I used recently in the April Showers look.

Dotting is simple. I just took my time with two sizes of dotting tools and then at the end used a gentle hand to add the smallest filler blue dots.

Cheers all,