
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Gehwol Foot Salve Review, Nail Polish Canada

I was recently sent a Medicated Foot Salve product by Gehwol, from Nail Polish Canada. Gehwol is a German company that makes many foot care products for people who need a little more from there foot care regime. The salve I tested is available linked here.

I was tempted to turn down this review out of embarrassment, as I personally suffer from dry/cracked feet. My husband and I have a home with a pool, so our normal feet turn into scaly and cracked monster feet in the summer from repeated wet/dry and chlorine exposure. I decided to accept and proceed as we are exactly the people that this product is made for!

WARNING: cracked dry foot photo to follow, you've been warned!

The above and below photos are after 6 days of use, and actually show massive improvement over my starting point. As you can see on my heel, I still have staining and cracks...but the cracks are much shallower and the discomfort I had is gone. 

My toe and pad area below lost all scaling and looks almost normal! I didn't have cracks on my toes, so healing of this area was much faster. 

My husbands feet get so bad he sometimes experiences bleeding and peeling on his heels. He preferred no pictures since his have much more healing to go, but his improvements are even more than my own. 

I have to say, when you apply this, you can actually feel it penetrating. My only complaint was the scent is a bit strong. I solved the scent issue by wearing socks to bed which also helps the moisture penetrate. 

All in all, an absolutely fantastic product that we both recommend. It helped soften the skin and heal cracks. I'm still using this till I can completely heal my feet, and will update with another photo when I get there. Thanks to Gehwol!

Cheers all,

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