
Monday, January 11, 2016

Digital Dozen Does New and Improved, Monday

Well well well, back to my favorite week of the month. Digital Dozen week this round is New and Improved! I decided to retry stuff this week that has stumped me in the passed or that I never circled back to for whatever reason. This summer I did a couple back to back saran manis and loved them but then forgot to keep at the technique. Today's look is a two-for-one, because I never use vinyls and its been a while since those first couple sarans.

I used a base of Sally Hansen White Out in one coat and one dry I applied some old wave vinyls I had kicking around. I then used a pinched piece of saran to splodge on four complimentary shades from Ruby White Tips. I went from lightest shade to darkest to build slowly and started with the green.

Once done, I removed the vinyls, dotted in with the gunmetal grey holo and topped with matte coat. This look is kind of 'outside the box' for me and I really liked wearing it. This week really will be an excuse to force myself to try things I wouldn't or haven't for a while. I recommend this to anyone. It's almost cleansing. 

Cheers all,


  1. Way to rock it out doing two at once!! I love the Saran Wrap base! So pretty!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad this one came together in the end, the one I finished today...not so much!

  2. That saran looks so good! I never would've thought of doing it over a vinyl... I'm so stealing that idea, haha!

    1. Well I really can't wait to see it. It went smoothly too!

  3. Love that you did the saran warp using vinyls! Great idea!

    1. Thanks! I might try this again some time. I have some crazy bat vinyls looking to be used!

  4. Love that you did the saran warp using vinyls! Great idea!

  5. These are really fun and I commend you for doing two different techniques - show off! ;) ;P

    1. Hehe! Thanks Lindsey. Don't know where the inspiration came from, but I'll take it!

  6. It's been fun trying out new methods but I've also discovered so many more I have yet to try!

  7. I love how these ended up turning out. They totally give me an ocean and mermaid feel, so beautiful.
