
Monday, August 24, 2015

It's My Birthday!

It was my birthday and two year blogiversary yesterday! I picked something completely fabulous to wear for my birth-week! I couldn't decide, but knew I wanted something bright and high contrast and found this look in my genius file by Wondrously Polished. Lindsey did this look a while back and I've saved it ever since because it's such a happy look. I used an unnamed Orange neon for my base and royal blue, black and white acrylic paint for the rest. The outlines were done with my details brush, but the rest of the dots and shapes of the flowers were created with dotting tools. 


Now something fun to show you in honour of my blogiversary, below are the images I used for my first blog post and Facebook page. I created the super complex stamping look, and just look at the pics and poses!

What a hoot! Really love that pinkie though!

Cheers all,


  1. Happy Birthday and Blog Birthday! Great nails! I love the contrasting colors in the flower mani.

  2. Happy Birthday! I love the combination orange with the blue flowers!
