
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

OMD3 Day 20, Jewel

I didn't know what to post for OMD3 Jewel day so I decided to do my first ever Sharpie look.
I used a black sharpie and alcohol to create the marbling in this one, but to change it up I decided to try it on a holo. The pink base was two coats of Engorgeous by CBL. In keeping with the theme, I added two stones while my Seche was still tacky.

It's different, and I'll definitely try this technique out again. I can't wait to try it on a cream as well. Oh, an FYI if you attempt bleeds into your sidewall the whole time. It was fairly impossible to clean it up for my pictures.

Cheers all,


  1. this is super gorgeous - great effect!

  2. This looks so cool! I can imagine the cleanup is a nightmare though.
