
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

#naillinkup April Showers

Ok, so today I have a little look for you inspired by spring and those April showers most of us are now experiencing. When #naillinkup suggested April Showers it gave me an excuse to use another untried plate image. The base for this is from a fantastic set I got at Christmas from Winners. A Color Club Neons set...with no names unfortunately just numbers on the bottom. This is Color Club 36, unless anyone can tell me a real name. Formula on this was thin but great. I'm wondering if they would marble well. Anyway, I used the cute cloud image from Bundle Monster Plate 312 and stamped all the images, then used the decal technique and Above The Curve Don't Blink for the holo storm clouds.

Now ladies, I want you all to close your eyes and imagine what an actual holo storm would be like!

Cheers all,

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