
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Stamping Decal, Ruby White Tips

Ok my sweets, I've become addicted to stamping decals in the last few days. I'm still figuring out all the tricks and troubles, but I'll give you the tips as I go.

Tip 1. I learned on these to not let your decal dry was either that or don't use quick dry topcoat. Either way, these dried out far too much and were difficult to work with. 

If I'm honest, in person these did not look great at mess anyone! However, this was one of those magical times when the photos didn't show my issues at all. I was happy, cause the look is really great. I used;

Ruby White Tips Smaug's Gold 
China Glaze Liquid Leather 
Ruby White Tips Prototype (red)
Circle Studs 
BM-423 Triangle Design 
BM-307 Purse Design 

Hope you like! I have two more decal looks coming up shortly. 
Cheers all,