
Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12, So What Is A Fairy Tale?

The Digital Dozen asking me to join and my first post going out today, now that is a fairy tale! Today's post is another sneaky Pete double duty between the January 12 Film prompt and my first Digital Dozen of this month's theme of 'Fairy Tales'.

So what is a fairy tale anyway? That's the question we get to answer for my first Digital Dozen week. I thought about many ways to approach this, and started with a little Wikipedia research. Wikipedia says:
"A fairy tale (pronounced /ˈfeəriˌteɪl/) is a type of short story that typically features European folkloric fantasy characters, such as dwarveselvesfairiesgiantsgnomesgoblinsmermaidstrolls, or witches, and usually magic or enchantments."
So my very favourite story growing up that I think fits was Alice in Wonderland. I read this one so many times that my hardcover actually fell apart. Someday I really need a new one, it's been too long. Now Alice isn't a Grimm or other classic fairy tale story but fits the description perfectly. I decided to attempt my first ever series, so this will be Part 1 of 5 Alice inspired manis over the next five days. There is just too many great images in Alice, that I really couldn't think of anywhere I'd rather focus. 
For my first look, I created this tourqoise to white gradient and topped it with just one coat of Wicked Polish Hung Over The Rainbow.

My design was meant to take the wildly imaginative and crazy colourful scenes in both movies and meld them with my personal favourite colours. I chose to create a magical toadstool/floral design with flying magic elements. 

I know I kinda went off the rails on this...but I just went with the flow and I love my little piece of Wonderland wilderness! Please check out what all my girls attempted for their tales and check back tomorrow for more of mine!

Cheers all,


  1. Is a fantastic design. Congrats for the new group. God Bless U

  2. This is a great manicure! I can't wait to see the other designs!

  3. Beautiful! Congrats on the new group!

  4. Wow, these turned out super adorable! I love the gradient and glitter you used as a base too. :)

  5. These are amazing! It looks like you freehanded the glitter topper as well. Very cool :)

    Congrats on The Digit-al Dozen!!

  6. This is awesome! I love the colors and that glitter is PERFECT for this!

  7. So fantastic! I love the colors - the whole thing has that kind of surreal look to it

  8. Wow, this is definitely magical! The use of the glitter was brilliant!

  9. Ah man these are fantastic and so trippy. You picked a perfect base too! Love this so much haha.

  10. beautiful!
    I love this manicure and I think you've managed to create a beautiful and inspiring nail art creation <3

  11. These are absolutely amazing - I love the bright colours!

  12. These are awesome! I love the mushrooms!

  13. When I saw the mushrooms I immediately thought Alice in Wonderland - they fit this perfectly - I can't wait to see the rest of the series.

  14. Great first manicure for DD! I love Alice in Wonderland! And of course, congrats on joining :) it'll be an amazing adventure!

  15. These are amazing!! I love everything happening here! The colors, the design, the glitter, everything<3

  16. Psychedelically perfect! Brilliant!

  17. This is AMAZING! I love your mushrooms and the entire mani! What a great way to burst onto the DD scene!

  18. This looks so pretty! And I need that glitter polish in my life!

  19. This is so outstanding! I love your color scheme! :)

  20. Fabulous! Love the colour scheme!

  21. These are so insanely cool! I'm blown away by your painting skills as well! So excited to have you in the group!! <3

  22. This is such a fun mani! So perfect for Alice in Wonderland!

  23. I love it! You really capture the Wonderland vibe! :)

  24. that glitter just makes for the perfect acid-flash base xx
