
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Color Show And The Strangest Polish Ever!

Lasting Lilac from Color Show, like five coats. That's right...five. I'm really a two coats with base and topper kinda girl, so normally this would be a no go for me. This polish was just so strange going on, I just had to see how it ended. Kinda matte, kinda thin and patchy, but pretty colour and flecks.  The patchiness finally resolved after the last coat. This has no topcoat as the waxy look was kind of cool in the end.

I'm glad I swatched it, but it did end up in my give it o girlfriends pile...cause nobody got time for five coats.

Cheers all,


  1. Wow. That's a lot of coats! And it's not even that pretty :o (in my opinion).

    1. I agree totally strange. But fascinating in its oddness, so I had to share.

  2. Wow, that's amazing. I'd take it off your hands if you lived closer LOL. When you say it is by Color Show, do you mean Maybelline Color Show?

    1. Yes, Maybelline. I have one more to try. We'll so how it is. A teal I think.

  3. Thanks, Amanda. I'll have to keep an eye out for some. At least it's a brand we can get in Tasmania, although we very rarely get all the shades available here. I may have to check on ebay and see what I can find. Happy New Year.
