
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Liebster Awards

So it's Liebster award time, and I was chosen for my very first time by both Emma of Emma's Space and of Emma of  Saucy Nails to be a part of it. Check out both Emma's blog when you have a chance. Both are very nice fellow bloggers I met in one of my Facebook Blogger groups. Saucy Nails even started out her journey at the same time as me in August.

If you have a blog, you should definitely look into these Facebook groups. They are an amazing resource and great place to network with fellow bloggers. I've met many wonderful girls.

Now on to the award. So what is a Liebster Award? It's a blogger to blogger award. You are nominated by and in turn nominate blogs you feel deserve recognition and have in this case 200 followers or less. Emma chose me among 11 other bloggers for this award, and I in turn choose 11 bloggers. There is also a small questionnaire attached so that your readers can get to know you better.

In case your curious, when I googled it The definition of the word Liebster in German came up in the search at it means sweetheart, darling or beloved!

Below are the answers to bot sets of questions!

Here are the first questions:
  1. How long have you been blogging for? Only since August 23 of 2013. It was my birthday present to myself to start a blog as a creative outlet and mommy break!
  2. Where is your favourite place to blog (eg bedroom, train..)? In my kitchen when my small fry is napping with a coffee is ideal, but it's been known to take a whole day off and one to get a post done if its a busy day.
  3. Have you met anyone famous? Were they nice, or not? No, but I almost got to interview Sean Connery when I was in journalism school. He ended up being too busy for us.
  4. Do you play any musical instruments? Nope, not at all...ever! I'm in no way musical, but I love to dance.
  5. Do you have any pets? What are they, and what are they called? I have a large fish tank filled with about 40 cychlids. Cychlids are the most beautiful fresh water fish you can get. I am a boxer person though. We've had three.
  6. What is your favourite sport/sportsperson/sports team? I'm not really a sports fan for watching. But I played everything under the sun in school. Field Hockey, Soccer, Competitive Swimming, Rugby, Track...etc.
  7. What is your favourite colour of nail polish to use? OOOOh, I'm a huge fan of polishes in my two fave colours. Tourqoise and Coral.
  8. Post a link to your favourite manicure post, and a reason why (if you don't have a mani post, your favourite post will do!)? My recent fave!          
  9. What is the best make up tip you have received/heard of? I jut got a brand new manicure stamping tip today. Roll and stick a piece of tape to the surface you are working on and tap your stamper on it between stamps. Takes all left over polish off the stamper without needing acetone.
  10. If you could only use 3 make up products for 1 year, which 3 would you pick? Ummmmm, Nail Polish, Acetone and Eye Liner!
  11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? A hockey or sports mom of two active teen boys with a continuing manicure infatuation and a loving husband.
  12. Three unknown facts I'd like to share. I'm in my mid thirties, and have been with my husband since we were 16! I love movies and cuddling up on the couch to watch them. I can do the cup song thing that's all over YouTube! 

Here are the second set of questions:

 1. What inspired you to start your blog? I thought, 'I can do this, I'm creative and have a multimedia educational and career background. Now that I'm a stay at home mom I wanted this outlet for myself. A space to be girlie, artistic, creative and talk with other grown-ups with similar interests. I hope to never lose the community aspect of this hobby. I don't have many women in my life, so this also gives me a sense of the feminine that was missing in my life. 

2. When did your love for nail polish/ nail art begin? My son asked me to do Halloween nails two Halloween's ago and my love of nail art was born

3. Do you practice your talent on anyone (family/ friends etc.)? My good friend Rachel is a huge support for me in my nail obsession, and I repay her this support in all the manis she wants. I also do manis for my bestie and her adorbs daughter, as well as my 14 year old neighbour who gets me to do special occasions for her. 

4. What is your blogs goal. Or is it just for fun? It's mainly for fun, but I don't ever do anything half way so I hope to someday be well received and loved  by a larger audience. 
5. Who was the first person (blog) you followed? Kelsie of Kelsie's Nail Files. I just fell in love with blogs because of her and she's also a fellow Canadian. 

6. What is your go to polish? and why is that your first pick? I don't have one. I'm an equal opportunity user. I do have a few I return to as bases for art, but I use what I want to wear. 

7. Do you have multiple polishes of a single color (so you never run out)? if so what is it? No, my stash isn't this large. 

8. If you had the chance to create a polish what would be the shade and name for it? It would have to be my blog colours in an Indie style crelly with small glitters and I would call it Lady Maid.
9. What does your spouse, family, friends think of your addiction? My friends chuckle, my husband thinks I'm certifiable...almost!!

10. What do you prefer. Stamping or free hand and why? I'm good and freehand now, but go back and forth. There are some looks that are just better with a stamp, and with practice anyone can master it. 

11. What nail technique would you say you have mastered since starting your blog? Freehand, stamping and gradients. I'm pretty slick with these, but water marbles still beat me every time!!

Here are my questions:
  1. How long have you been blogging for?
  2. Where is your favourite place to blog (eg bedroom, train..)?
  3. Have you met anyone famous? Were they nice, or not?
  4. Do you play any musical instruments?
  5. Do you have any pets? What are they, and what are they called?
  6. What is your favourite sport/sportsperson/sports team?
  7. What is your favourite colour of nail polish to use?
  8. Post a link to your favourite manicure post, and a reason why (if you don't have a mani post, your favourite post will do!)?
  9. What is the best make up tip you have received/heard of?
  10. If you could only use 3 make up products for 1 year, which 3 would you pick?
  11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
  12. Three unknown facts you would like to share!
I tag: (my  good friends soon to launch blog)

I may add a few folks to this list as my much longer list got edited down by everyone having just over the 200 follower threshold!

Thanks for all the support everyone and for this long read!
(Oh and I apologize for the weird formatting in this post...what is going on!!!!)

Cheers all,


  1. I read this post when you first put it up, and totally forgot to reply!

    Great answers! I like the manicure you picked the holly is really good, and I'm sure I remember seeing it when we did our 12 Days of Xmas Challenge...

    Also, is your birthday on the 23rd August? xx

    1. Thanks Emma and yes it is! I loved th holly and green isn't really my colour!

    2. we share the same birthday!! no, it's not mine either, but you make me like it in that manicure :)
