
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Milk and Cookies Manicure

Christmas/holiday food was the prompt for this one. I thought turkey first, but wasn't confident I could translate that to a great manicure. Then it hit me! A plate of milk and cookies for the big man! What's more Christmas foodie than that?

The base on this is Laquerlicious, Burnt Marshmallow. I just got this one and Strawberry Cosmo. Both are amazing, and my first ever Indies that were not a gift or a loaner. Very happy with my purchases. 

Look at the glitter payoff in this, and I almost forgot...this is the ever illusive One Coater! One careful coat was all this took! Then I went in and outlined with black acrylic and filled in with my polishes. The brown is China Glaze Ingrid, the red Sally Hansen Rapid Red and the green Midie 30. The white was acrylic white paint.

Got the Inlinkz working for this one, so please check out all my new nail friends from the challenge and their amazing works of art below.

Hope you liked these, and let me know what you thought below.
Cheers all,


  1. Oooh these are awesome! LOVE that base! It's weird, in my house Santa always preferred a bottle of real ale haha

  2. So totally nummy! :) You've done a great job with the base and your art is amazing! :)

  3. Nail Novice, can santa drink wine too? No one ever told me this!!

  4. I loved this polish, and need to come up with an excuse to use it now!

  5. Thanks ladies. Was the first thing that came to mind after turkey dinner!
