
Friday, November 29, 2013

Freehand Friday, Snakeskin Pattern

It's Freehand Friday again all! These are a snakeskin pattern I got off of a new purse I picked up on my trip. Ashley and I of Above The Polish tried to recreate the pattern of this purse for your viewing pleasures!!!

I used Finger Paints Don't Make A Scene as my base and then I decided to sponge on a little bronze acrylic and China Glaze Ingrid to try and duplicate the background colours. I then used my itty bitty brush and mixed the bronze and some black to get the colour I used for the scale pattern.

The background came out way too gold toned which I didn't realize from the photo I was using. Then I grabbed the purse to take this picture...akkkk! Fail I guess on accuracy! I do like the pattern and rough snakeskin effect I created though.

Thanks for stopping by for Freehand Friday this week. Feel free to follow by email, Google+ or Friend Connect along the right hand side here to receive my regular posts as well as Freehand Fridays.

I'm about to start a Christmas/Holiday inspired series with a blog group I'm part of, so stay tuned. I'm very excited with the looks I've been working on. By far my best freehand work yet! Christmas magic I guess!

Cheers all,

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