
Friday, November 8, 2013

Freehand Friday, Monochromatic Roses

Another Friday, another crazy challenge for me and Ashley of Above The Polish. This week was Ashley's turn to supply the challenge picture, and it's a doozie! Ashley chose a dress from her closet with a lovely rose patter on it. The dark colour pallet was a challenge for me once I realized I only have one nude, and it's definitely not opaque enough for painting over black. Here is the dress fabric picture.

I ended up choosing China Glaze Liquid Leather (you guys sick of my fave go to nail art black yet), and a Grey Acrylic for the rose pattern. I did an opacity test on paper over black polish with all my greys and my nude and none of them cut it on black! This way I was able to build a bit.

I ended out buying a new detail brush at Sally's immediately after last weeks challenge and my 'challenges' during. Right after I wrote this I opened up the newest Nail It Magazine newsletter and found this tutorial. No kidding almost the same, so if you need a tutorial, check it out.

This one was fun. Once I test drove my brush on the Unicorn Love manicure, I felt more confident that I could handle a full mani of mini roses. I love this by the way. I'm very girly, but love monochromatic manicures. Don't forget to check out Ashley's work over at Above The Polish!

Would you wear this gothic beauty? Do you guys like full black based manicures?
Thanks for stopping by for freehand Friday!

Cheers all.