
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

OPI Mariah Carey Holiday Nail Art

So these are my friend Rachel's hands again, and I'm posting the sunlight pics first, because they are way more colour accurate than the ones taken while we were gossiping on my couch. This is OPI Sleigh Ride For Two from the ne Mariah Carey Holiday Collection. It's smooth as silk and lovely in person. My friend was going to a wedding and wanted something in a wine to match her shoes. Other than that, 'her hands were my canvas' she said. I chose to do an accent finger in Color Club Beyond and fished out and added the amaaazing circle glitters from OPI I Snow You Love Me also from this collection.

We were both very happy with the results, other than a little sidewall staining we needed to work on. I do find it harder to 'stay in the lines' when I'm doing someones hands, but no one is complaining!

Cheers all!

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