
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Nail Challenge 2013: Day 28, A Flag

The Jolly Roger, or Pirate Flag was raised on the mast of pirate ships as a means of psychological warfare. The more ships that surrendered to pirates without a fight, the less danger to the pirates and less damage to the ship being boarded.

Now clearly this is a lot more cute than your traditional Jolly Roger, but I am a girly girl. I'll save the creepy nails for Halloween jut around the corner. I have a bunch of Halloween stamping plates in my cupboard just howling to be used!

This is a brand new bottle of China Glaze Liquid Leather. (Constantly use this one) Then I dragged Sinful Colors Frenzy backwards from the tips to create a bit of a gradient. The skull art is done with white acrylic paint. Then I used topcoat followed by Sally Girt Matte Topcoat to see which I preferred. Almost forgot, I used two black rhinestones for eyes, which looked kind of neat matte as well. I'm sorry for the different lengths on the left hand, but I had a bad break right before this mani and hadn't decided to cut them all off yet. Did that today! I have one uber short hand and one medium length right now. Ahhhh, stress of a nail blogger! Decided to give you that hand as well, because it had the better skull art.

Last two are in sunlight.

What do you think? Matte or Shine?


  1. GREAT!!

    ich würde gerne eure Produkte testen und darüber auf meinem Blog

    Ich würde mich sehr über eine Zusammenarbeit freuen.
    LG Jeannette Lorenz
